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5 June 2024

Open House
Available now! 5 June 2024
Expeditionary Learning
Expeditionary Learning

Expeditionary Learning at D-PREP

Expeditionary learning sparks students’ imagination and a passion for acquiring knowledge. It serves as a compelling method for demonstrating the courage and compassion necessary not only to envision a better world but also to actively explore and contribute to the betterment of our communities, turning that vision into reality.

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What is Expedition

Throughout the learning expedition, students engage with case studies, hands-on projects, fieldwork, subject matter experts, and the creation of real-world products. These projects culminate in opportunities for students to showcase their high-quality work, demonstrating their mastery across all three dimensions of student achievement.

Collaborative planning by teaching teams involves organizing standards into these experiential learning activities to foster skill development and enhance content knowledge. The expedition commences with a call to action or adventure, emphasizing authentic service learning within the community. This is followed by independent research, in-depth case studies, and investigations aligned with rigorous academic standards.

Students assume professional roles and collaborate with experts and industry professionals to advance their work. This process also nurtures character development and life skills. The expedition concludes with a student showcase, where they must demonstrate their learning through the final products and solutions they’ve developed during the expedition.

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