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Available now!
5 June 2024

Open House
Available now! 5 June 2024
Middle School Program
Middle School Program

D-PREP Middle School Program

At D-PREP middle school, we offer Expeditionary Learning, a unique and innovative approach to teaching and learning. This program combines rigorous academic standards with real-world experiences, such as fieldwork, research, and community service. Our students learn by doing and are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.

Experiential Learning at D-PREP

Children will learn best when they believe in themselves. But self-belief develops when they learn from direct, hands-on experience and are able to overcome their doubts and fears.

At our school, it is our job as educators to inspire, challenge, and support all students in a way that pushes them to grow yet feel safe in a supportive environment.

We are an innovative international school located in the Megabangna community, Bangna area. We are currently offering Nursery-Grade 9 for the 2023-2024 school year but are expanding as we grow.

Our D-PREP Middle School Program (G6-8) ensures that all our students will develop  a strong academic foundation but will also flourish as creative problem solvers and effective collaborative learners who believe in themselves and their abilities.

Our Middle School Program is an “EL Education” inspired program, following the Expeditionary Learning system. We are the very first school in Southeast Asia to adopt the “Expeditionary Learning (EL) Education” system.

The Middle School Program at D-PREP is for students in grades 6, 7, and 8 that are typically aged between 11 years to 14 years old.

We believe that learners at this age need a combination of care, challenge, choice, and opportunity to help them succeed in achieving our mission. Through a thoughtful and caring approach to students’ social emotional learning, our teachers, counselors, and administrators guide students through this stage of their learning and growth.

While aligned with best practice learning standards from around the world, our academics provide students with a globally-minded curriculum and instruction that meets students at their level of need.

Publications from our Learning Expeditions

This book is a collection of our Middle School students’ journalistic work where their essential question was, “How have people’s life experiences in Thailand, particularly during the reign of King Rama IX, developed “life skills” and prepared them to be resilient, active citizens who can persevere through difficult times?”

Our students took their learnings from their Outbound Trip to the islands of Koh Rang, Koh Mak, and Koh Kood; and created a children’s book for the school children of that community.

Students discuss the lessons they learned and the stories that inspired them from the interviews they conducted.

Students also discuss D-PREP’s new non-governmental organization, Fresh Hope Foundation, its creation, its projects, and its goal to help the homeless of Thailand.

Learning Expedition

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The Expeditionary Learning Approach

The first Expeditionary Learning Middle School Program in Southeast Asia.

Highlights of our Middle School Program

Strong academics

Creative and critical thinking skills

Public speaking and presentation skills

Experiential learning
& Fieldwork

Digital Literacy
& Design Thinking

Sports and
ECA opportunities

Life Skills Curriculum

Active contributors
to the community

Come find out why 100% of our students truly love coming to school at our upcoming Open House.

Learn More

Experiential Learning & Play-based learning | Reggio Emilia | IB-PYP
Experiential Learning | IB-PYP
Experiential learning | Expeditionary learning
Experiential Learning | Expeditionary learning | AP Program

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